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How to improve indoor air quality - heraldtimesonline.com
Radon, volatile chemicals from fragrances used in conventional cleaners and lead from house dust are just a few of the many sources of indoor air pollution commonly found in homes, and these pollutants can be especially harmful in winter, when many people spend more time indoors thanks to harsh weather. But while you might not be able to change the weather so you can open windows in the wintertime, you can take steps to improve indoor air quality in your home.

Clean the floors

Dirty floors take their toll on a home’s indoor air quality. Dust that’s allowed to settle on floors may contain harmful chemicals and allergens that can lead to respiratory problems and additional uncomfortable health conditions. Clean your floors at least once per week during the winter months, ideally with a vacuum that’s equipped with a HEPA filter. The HEPA filter is important because it can prevent dust and dirt from being blown back out of the vacuum in the exhaust. After you have vacuumed, mop the floors as well, as even the most effective vacuums leave potentially harmful dust particles behind. A once-over with a mop and some hot water can remove any lingering dust left behind by the vacuum.

Floor mats

Winter is a messy season, and it’s easy to bring in the great outdoors when you enter your home during cold weather seasons. Dirt that sticks to your shoes may contain potentially harmful chemicals, so place a floor mat near any door where people routinely enter your home and politely ask that all who enter wipe off and remove their shoes before moving about the house.

Dehumidify your home

Mold and dust mites thrive on moisture, so homeowners concerned about the moisture in their homes during the winter months can purchase a dehumidifier to control allergens and reduce moisture in the air. In addition to using a dehumidifier, you can control humidity in your home by using an exhaust fan when cooking, addressing leaky plumbing fixtures to prevent mold growth and making sure your clothes dryer is vented to the outside of your home.

Naturally scented

Everyone wants their freshly cleaned clothes to smell good, but the price you pay when using laundry products that employ synthetic fragrances may be far more steep than you realize. Such synthetic fragrances emit dozens of chemicals into the air, so choose naturally scented detergents, fabric softeners and dryer sheets when possible.

Air fresheners

Unless otherwise noted on the packaging, plug-in air fresheners likely contain volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which contain a variety of chemicals that can negatively impact both short- and long-term health. Instead of plugging in an air freshener to improve a home’s interior aroma, slice fresh lemons and leave them out in the kitchen and keep fresh indoor plants in living areas. Studies from NASA have shown that indoor plants naturally purify indoor air by absorbing materials released by synthetic materials.

As winter gets set to return, homeowners can employ these simple strategies to improve indoor air quality in their homes.


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