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KK100 wins low-carbon award - Shenzhen Daily
THE Kingkey 100, the tallest building in Shenzhen, won the prize of low-carbon building at a ceremony, marking the 10th anniversary of the opening of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce.

The award was given to buildings that involved environmentally friendly use of materials and land resources.

KK100 also won the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), an internationally recognized green building certification system which was developed by U.S. Green Building Council.

The 441.8-meter Kingkey 100 building is the eighth-highest building in the world.

The occasion also saw a high-level forum over China’s real estate market, which attracted developers in the sector to discuss China’s housing market under tightened macroeconomic control.

In the speech, Nie Meisheng, director of the chamber, said real estate developers are facing the toughest period since 2008 and it was imperative to discuss the pressing issues and make long-term development plans, such as expanding diversified financing channels, revolutionizing development mode and applying energy-saving and green technologies.

The China Real Estate Chamber, which is directly under the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, was established in Shenzhen in 2001.

It is the largest nonprofit social organization in the housing property development sector in China.

Source: http://bit.ly/wRuVyj

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